zoom.php File Reference


 $dcmPage = new DcmmsPage(_('Find a Landmark'))
 $objForm = new HTML_QuickForm('ZoomForm')
 $objDb = & $dcmPage->postgis->db
 $arrAdministrativeArea [0] = _('[Select One]')
 $objResult = & $objDb->query($strQuery)
 $objResult = & $objDb->query($strQuery)
 $intLast = 0
 $arrVillage [$arrRow[1]][$arrRow[2]] = $arrRow[0]
 $objResult = & $objDb->query($strQuery)
 $objFuzzy []
 $objFuzzy []
 $arrDefaults = array('fuzzy' => 0, 'area' => array(0, 0), 'subtype' => 0)
 $arrTakeover = array('name', 'subtype', 'fuzzy')
$objForm _flagSubmitted = true
 $strWhere = ' '
 $boolFuzzy = false
 $arrExtraVars = array()
 $intSubtype = $objForm->exportValue('subtype')
 $numRows = $objTable->getRowCount()
 $objTable = & new DbTablePager($objDb, $strQuery.$strWhere.$strNameWhere)

Variable Documentation

$arrAdministrativeArea[0] = _('[Select One]')

$arrDefaults = array('fuzzy' => 0, 'area' => array(0, 0), 'subtype' => 0)

Default values

$arrExtraVars = array()

Extra variables to be passed to the Pager class.

$arrTakeover = array('name', 'subtype', 'fuzzy')

Allow to take over values from HTTP GET request.

$arrVillage[$arrRow[1]][$arrRow[2]] = $arrRow[0]

$boolFuzzy = false

$dcmPage = new DcmmsPage(_('Find a Landmark'))

AJAX implementation of search.

$intLast = 0

$intSubtype = $objForm->exportValue('subtype')

$numRows = $objTable->getRowCount()

Add the actions.


Initial value:

& $objForm->addElement('hierselect', 'area', 'Area:', 
  array('title' => _('Narrow down the area in which to search for points of interest.')))

$objDb = & $dcmPage->postgis->db

$objForm = new HTML_QuickForm('ZoomForm')


Initial value:

& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('radio', null, null, _('Fuzzy'), 1,
  array('title' => 
  _('Find landmarks that similar to the provided name. Ignore spelling mistakes.')))


Initial value:

& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('radio', null, null, _('Accurate'), 
  0, array('title' => 
  _('Find points of interest that contain the name field exactly (case insensitive).')))

$objResult = & $objDb->query($strQuery)

Switch to using dcmmstranslation().

$objResult = & $objDb->query($strQuery)

$objResult = & $objDb->query($strQuery)


Initial value:

& new HTML_QuickForm_select('subtype', _('Type:'),NULL, 
  array('title' => _('Select the landmark type.')))

$objTable = & new DbTablePager($objDb, $strQuery.$strWhere.$strNameWhere)


Initial value:

 ' order by levenshtein(dcmmstranslation(\''.
    $_SESSION['language'].'\', Name), \''.$strName.'\') '


Initial value:

 'select distinct Landmark.Subtype, LandmarkSubtype.Description
  from Landmark left join LandmarkSubtype on 
  Landmark.Subtype = LandmarkSubtype.Subtype'


Initial value:

 'select dcmmstranslation(\''.$_SESSION['language'].
  '\',Name), CodedValue from AdministrativeArea'

$strWhere = ' '

$objForm _flagSubmitted = true

Generated on Sat Jul 1 21:19:28 2006 for DCMMS by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO