Variables | |
$strPathInDcmms = '../' | |
$dcmPage = new DcmPage(basename(__FILE__)) | |
$dcmPage | strPathInDcmms = '../' |
$strMessage = "" | |
$boolShowForm = true | |
$_SESSION ['strPgClientBinDirectory'] | |
$boolShowForm = false | |
$intMaxMemory = (int) str_replace('M', '000000', get_cfg_var('memory_limit')) | |
$intMaxFileSize | |
$zip = zip_open($shpdir.$_FILES["userfile"]["name"]) | |
exit | |
exit | |
$dirhandle = opendir($shpdir) | |
$strFileName = str_replace( ".shp", "", strtolower($filename)) | |
$strTableName = $strFileName | |
$arrDropViews = file("../script/drop_views.sql") | |
$strQuery = "" | |
$arrCommands | |
$blnSuccess = false | |
break | |
$arrCreateViews = file("../script/create_views.sql") | |
$strQuery = "" | |
$arrTranslationPostfix = array('name') | |
< p ><?=_("Done.")?></p >< ?php}?>< h2 ><?=sprintf(_("Loadshapefilesto%s"), $_SESSION["strDataBase"])?></h2 >< pclass="important"><?=$strMessage?>< /p >< formenctype="multipart/form-data"action=<?=$pagename?> | method |
Initial value: trim($_SESSION['strPgClientBinDirectory'])
Initial value: array("set PGCLIENTENCODING=". $_SESSION["strShapefileEncoding"]."& \"".$_SESSION["strPgClientBinDirectory"]. "shp2pgsql.exe\" -d \"$shpdir\\$filename\" -D $strTableName ". $_SESSION["strDataBase"]. " > \"$shpdir\\$filename.sql\" 2>\"$shpdir\\error.log\"" => 0, "set PGCLIENTENCODING=". $_SESSION["strShapefileEncoding"]."& set PGPASSWORD=". $_SESSION["Password"]. "& \"".$_SESSION["strPgClientBinDirectory"]."psql.exe\" -d ". $_SESSION["strDataBase"]." -U ".$_SESSION["UserName"]. " -h localhost -f \"$shpdir\\$filename.sql\" ". "2> \"$shpdir\\error.log\"" => 0) |
Update Translation table. |
Initial value: min((int) str_replace('M', '000000', get_cfg_var('upload_max_filesize')), (int) str_replace('M', '000000', get_cfg_var('post_max_size'))) |
Determine maximum file size and memory usage. |
Initial value: "POST"> <p><?= _('Please zip your shapefiles before loading. Upload the zipfile.'). sprintf(_('The maximum zipfile size is %d MB.'), $intMaxFileSize/1000000) ?></p> <table summary="file upload form"> <tr><td class="label"> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="<?= $intMaxFileSize ?>"> <?= _("Load this file:")?></td><td class="input"><input name="userfile" type="file"></td></tr> <?php $dcmPage->printTextInput("Table", $_POST, "", _("The name of the geodatabase table to which the data will be loaded."))