Variables | |
$dcmPage = new DcmPage(basename(__FILE__)) | |
$strDirection | |
charset | |
margin | __pad0__ |
border | __pad1__ |
height | __pad2__ |
dir | |
$result = pg_query($query) | |
$numfields = pg_numfields($result) | |
$row = pg_fetch_array($result) | |
height | |
src | |
$arrTables |
Initial value: (0 == strncmp($_SESSION['language'],'ar', 2)) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr' |
Initial value: $strDirection ?>.css" type="text/css" /> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/xhtmlUTF-8" /> </head> <body style="padding: 0px |
Initial value: "<?= (0 == strncmp($_SESSION['language'],'ar', 2)) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr' ?>" onload="if(window.print) window.print();"> <table border="1" summary="Header" width="100%" height="4%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" nowrap="nowrap"> <tr><?php $query = "select Workorder.ID as WorkorderID, Workorder.Complainant,". ' dcmmstranslation(\''.$_SESSION['language']. '\', WorkorderSubtype.Description) as Workordertype,'. " Workorder.Telephone, Workorder.LocationDescription, dcmmstranslation('". $_SESSION["language"]. "', Team.Description) as DesignatedTeam, NetworkDomain.Description,". formatTimestamp('Workorder.ReceivedDate').' as ReceivedDate, Workorder.note from '. " Workorder, WorkorderSubtype, Team, Networkdomain where". " Workorder.ID=".$_SESSION["WorkorderID"]. " and Workorder.Subtype = Workordersubtype.Subtype ". "and Workorder.Team = Team.CodedValue and Workorder.Network = ". "Networkdomain.CodedValue " |
Initial value: session_id()?>"><img style="vertical-align: middle1cm |
Initial value: "<?= $_SESSION["DCMMSLogoSmall"]?>" border="0" align="left" /> </a><b style="vertical-align: middle;"><?= _("DCMMS") ?></b></td> <td align=dir="<?= $strDirection ?>"> <b><span dir="<?= $strDirections ?>"><?= sprintf( _("%s %s Workorder # %s Created %s "), _($_SESSION["strOrgName"]), ($row[6] == '' ? ' ' : _($row[6])), $_SESSION["WorkorderID"], '<span dir="ltr">'. ($row["receiveddate"] == '' ? ' ' : $row["receiveddate"]). '</span>') |